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    5 Essential Tips You Can't Overlook When Building a Food Truck.

    Posted by Austin Hardware on Aug 8, 2024 10:30:00 AM

    5 Essential Tips You Can't Overlook When Building a Food Truck

    Manufacturing food trucks involves many critical considerations. Some are obvious, but others are less so. One of the first things under consideration is cooking and food preservation equipment. Depending on the food being prepared, they could include grills, griddles, and ovens. Indeed, they’ll need some type of refrigeration and possibly even a freezer.

    Space in a food truck is at a premium, and depending on how many people need to work at a given time and the space required for food and cooking equipment, it could make for a very cramped environment. How to make the best use of that limited space is always a top concern.

    Marketing is also a top-of-mind concern. Specifically, the exterior design of the food truck and signage to indicate clearly what types of food and beverages are being sold and to help the truck stand out are obvious considerations.

    However, some aspects of a food truck's build are often overlooked. Addressing these overlooked elements can significantly improve the truck's functionality, safety, and longevity. Here’s our list of 5 not-so-obvious considerations for food trucks.

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    Topics: Food Trucks